Thursday, November 12, 2009

TMWBAM--Still working on it...

Ugh, it's so hard...

I'm thinking of just finishing it up and giving it a cheesy ending. But then how would Gracie ever get his amazing epiphany???

Anyway, I've started a new story. I'm debating on whether to call it "Chasing the Sun" or "Sunchasers." But if it ever got its own movie (which it wouldn't because I'm not that good), I'd want the movie to be "Sunchasers." Hmm. I'm flip-flopping again. I think maybe "Chasing the Sun" would be a good book title.

Why don't you decide?

Anyway, it's about a boy named Jeremy who gets teased and bullied because he's the new kid at school and he's really emotional. Then an old man appears to him with a wooden box and a contract, telling him that if he signs the contract, he'll receive powers beyond his comprehension, and he can finally make his life better and get revenge. But revenge isn't what Jeremy is after. He just wants friends. And since he can't get them at school, he turns to nature. So when he animates the trees, he has no clue what he has unleashed, nor does he know that he's about to embark on an amazing adventure.